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Macrogen provides various gene analysis services using precise DNA microarray technology. Known by various terms such as DNA chip, biochip and gene-array, microarray is a technology that measures the expression pattern of genes and verifies whether there is a mutation by arranging invisible probes on a chip and reacting DNA, RNA, protein, etc.

Macrogen is the only company in Korea that has all the products of Illumina, Affymetrix and Agilent, which are the main suppliers of microarray products. Based on such equipment, we offer genetic testing services for research purposes such as mRNA, miRNA, SNP, CGH and DNA methylation.

a. Expression Microarray
- mRNA Expression Microarray
With an mRNA expression microarray, tests are performed for the mRNA analysis of various organisms and significant genes can be selected by conducting a statistical analysis of the data obtained from the tests.

- microRNA Expression Microarray
microRNAs exist in many forms according to the generation process.
We have many microarray products to analyze the expression patterns of mature miRNAs known by studies.

Macrogen provides analysis services including selection of microRNAs where differential expression is confirmed and target mRNA prediction, as well as test services using microarrays.

b. Genome Microarray
- SNP Genotyping Microarray
For human genome composed of about 3 billion pairs of bases, most DNA sequences of individuals match, but about 0.1% is SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), which is where the difference lies.

Research institutes and medical institutions around the world are actively conducting research to define the functional characteristics of SNP.
With various kinds of microarrays, Macrogen can easily provide analysis for hundreds of thousands to millions of Human SNP.

- CGH Microarray
CNV (Copy Number Variation) means the DNA variation that a certain sequence section more than 1Kb is lost or amplified and repeated in the chromosome.
Such copy number variation can cause various genetic diseases as well as the proliferation of cancer cells.

Macrogen analyzes structure variation in chromosomes including CNV
using CGH (Comparative Genome Hybridization) microarray.

CGH Microarray Platforms
Agilent CGH
· High resolution (60mer) & sensitivity CGH/CNV chips are provided
· CGH/CNV chips related to organisms other than human are provided and can be customized
· CGH test using FFPE samples available

c. DNA Methylation Microarray
DNA methylation is a chemical transformation that controls gene expression.
This phenomenon of methyl generated in cytosine at the CpG site exists around the promoter region of a gene.

Macrogen can correctly identify whether there is genome methylation using Illumina microarray and give biological meaning with statistical analysis of the results.

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